Every resident of the Hostel will automatically be the part of hostel mess unless he/she has a serious medical reason behind closing his/her mess of his/her membership is suspended by the Resident Warden. Mess cannot be closed for a period less than three days by any member of the mess. Members of the mess should inform the office assistant about closing of his/her mess one day before.
Resident Warden should appoint the Resident students in the Food Committee with the approval of the Provost. This committee will monitor the Hostel mess. Upon the progress of the Food Committee the continuation or cancellation of their membership will be decided. Menu will be made by this Food Committee on weekly/monthly basis and will be approved by the Resident Warden.
Mess will be supervised and checked by the Resident Warden daily or on alternative day. Provost or the senior warden may make surprise visits to the Hostel and Hostel Mess.
No late submission of Mess Fees should be tolerated. The members of Hostel Mess should pay their mess dues within first 15 days of the month. If anyone fails to submit in this period, they will be charged fine. Amount of fine will be 10% of the total dues.in case of late submission Resident Warden can change the amount of the fine imposed due to late dues.
The Hostel residents shall visit Hostel Mess during the proposed time for each meal. After the proposed time limit no Resident student can demand food.
No meals should be served in the Hostel rooms by the bearers and members shall take their meals in the proposed sitting area of the Dining Hall of the Hostel.
Resident students shall leave the Dining Hall after finishing their meals. They must not create any sort of trouble and disturbance to their fellow students in the hostel mess. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the premises of the Hostel of Hostel mess.
Hostel lawns, common rooms or places other than Dining Halls shouldn’t be used for any meal i.e. lunch, dinner, breakfast or tea.
Food from outside the hostel shouldn’t be brought to the Hostel Mess as it is not allowed.
Students should provide proper medical certificate to close the mess permanently.