Before the beginning of classes in each Semester, the Departments will announce the courses offered and will arrange Semester Registration for the students. The students are required to register for the Semester by filling the prescribed form and depositing payable within the last date announced for the purpose. They must take the filled forms to their Batch Advisors for checking and signature and then deposit it in the Department office. The Chairman of the Department will forward the forms to the Controller of Examinations immediately after the last date of registration, keeping a copy for Department's record.
The students must register for successive semesters in order and shall not be allowed to register for a semester without having studied the preceding semesters except as noted in section 7.2.
The Directorate of Admissions will forward a list of newly enrolled students to each department before the beginning of classes. The departments will arrange registration for the first semester, assign Class Numbers to the students and forward the names of enrolled students to the Controller of Examinations for allotting University Registration Number.
Students enrolled late due to late nominations by concerned agencies on quota seats shall (a) register for the first semester before the beginning of the midterm examinations, OR (b) if unable to register for the first semester before the midterm exam, they shall register in the second semester and pass first semester courses subsequently.
A student receiving F or W grade in any course shall be required to re-register in that course. A student receiving less than or equal to C+ grade in a course may also re-register in that course, to improve his/her grade subject to a maximum of one chance.
A department may offer Repeated Courses (over and above the regularly scheduled courses) during a regular semester or during the summer session in order to facilitate re-registering students. However, minimum number of students re-registering must be 10; otherwise, the course shall be dropped.
During a regular semester (Spring/Fall) a student may re-register for a maximum of 4 credit hours (in addition to the prescribed courses). If a course is abolished due to a revision in curriculum or scheme of studies:
• The student received ‘F’ or ‘W’ grade in the abolished course
• His/her CGPA is less than 2.00 and he/she has no chance to improve it in other course of existing curriculum.
Summer Semester is not part of our regular academic calendar. However, if the University offers a Summer Semester, it should be notified after Spring Semester with the approval of the competent authority. A student may register for a maximum of credit hours according HEC rule during the summer session.
If a student fails to register or withdraws his/her registration for a semester for a valid reason, he or she will get one chance to register for the same semester in the next academic year. If the student again fails to register or freeze his/her registration, his/her name will be struck off the rolls of the university.