I received my B.Sc. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi, Pakistan, in May 2017. Currently, I am working at the University of Engineering & Technology, Mardan, as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department. I am a member of the TeleCoN Research Lab at GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi, Pakistan. I am the Editorial Board Member of the “Advances in Wireless Communications and Network”, a Peer-reviewed Journal of Science Publishing Group. I also serve as a Secretary, Institutions of Engineers Pakistan, (IEP), Peshawar, since 2017. I am a member of IEEE since 2016. I serve as a reviewer of numerous peer reviewed journals including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Access, Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, WILEY, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. I have published 86 publications in refereed journals with a [Cumulative IF 214.523] including IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [IF=5.97], IEEE Access [IF=4.098], IET Communications Letters [IF= 3.457], Sensors, MDPI [IF= 3.03], IET Communications [IF= 1.443], Wireless Networks, Springer [IF=1.981], International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, [IF=1.717], Physical Communication, Elsevier [IF=1.451], and 11 publications in conference proceedings including IEEE PIMRC’16 (Valencia, Spain), ITNAC’18 (Sydney, Australia), and ERSED’18 (Kingdom of Bahrain). One of my papers received the Best Paper Award from 2nd International Conference on Emerging Research for Sustainable Economic Development (ERSED’18), Kingdom of Bahrain.
My research is focused on channel modeling, green communications, and interference modeling in Wireless Communications with a particular focus on densification (HetNets), resource management (interference management), spectrum extension (millimeter wave communications) using tools from Stochastic Geometry, ad hoc networks, and optical networks.
Administrative Experience (5+ years)
Teaching Experience (15+ years)
2013–2017 Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi.
PhD Title: Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Load Balancing
2004–2007 Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.
Specialization: Electronics and Communications
2000–2004 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering [with Honors], University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.
Specialization: Communication
Honor of successful conduction of Accreditation visits of PEC for the years 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019 Department of Electrical Engineering, City University Peshawar.
2017 Outstanding Research Performance Award, received at City University,Peshawar.
2016 Dean’s Honor Roll in PhD at GIK Institute.
2013 Fully Funded PhD Sponsorship under Faculty Development Program, City University, Peshawar
1999 5th Position in EATA Test, Conducted for Admission in Engineering University, Peshawar.
1998 Merit scholarship for consecutive two year in Islamia College Peshawar
1997 1st Position in SCC Examination at Govt; High School Batagram, District Charsadda, KPK
Memberships of Academic Bodies
Professional Memberships
PhD Supervision
In Progress
PhD Supervision
Research Title: Predictive Modeling for Hepatitis C Diagnosis: A Machine Learning Approach
Research Title: Heart disease detection using different Machine learning techniques
Research Title: Applying machine learning algorithms for the accurate and early prediction of diabetes.
Research Title: Designing a secure communication framework for Digital Twin Systems
PhD Co-supervision
Research Title: Interference Management in Net Generation Cellular Networks [June 11, 2020]
Research Title: Modeling and Analysis of HCNs using Stochastic Geometry [June 18, 2021]
Research Title: Authenticated key exchange schemes for securing smart systems [April 6, 2023]
Ph.D. Thesis [Evaluated as External Examiner]
MS Supervision
MS Co-supervision
MS Thesis [Evaluated as External Examiner]
My research is focused on channel modeling, green communications, and interference modeling in Wireless Communications with a particular focus on densification (HetNets), resource management (interference management), spectrum extension (millimeter wave communications) using tools from Stochastic Geometry, ad hoc networks, and optical networks
Journal Publications (Accepted): 93
No. of Publications (With IF): 87;
No. of Publications (Without IF): 6;
[Authorship Position: A1: 7, A2: 10, A3: 26, A4: 21, A5: 9, A6: 10, A7: 3, A8: 5]
Google Scholar citations: 1662
h-index: 22
i10-Index: 50
[Available Online]: 10.3390/electronics9050749 [IF=2.412]
[Available Online]: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9040546 [IF=4.098]
Journal Publications (Submitted)
Conference Publications (Accepted) [19]
[Available Online]: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9022767
Project I: Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)
Collaboration Project Submitted in collaboration with Najran University
Status Project Manager
Project Title Smart Cities
Project Duration 2 years [April 2021-April 2023]
Grant Number NU/IF/INT/01/009
Project worth 40,000 (In SR)
Project Status Approved
Project II: Research Grant: Project for Cooperative R&D between Industry, Academy, and Research Institute funded Korea Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 20
Collaboration School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea,
Contribution Co-PI
Project PI Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea
Project Duration 1 years [July 2019- June 2020]
Project worth 8,650/- [In USD]
Project Status Completed
Outcome Six Publications [2 in electronics-MDPI, 3 in IEEE Access, 1 in IJO (Hindawi)]
Project III: Approved Research Grant: Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea, (NRF-2019R1A2C1005920)
Collaboration School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea
Contribution Co-PI
Project PI Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea
Project Duration 1 years [January 2020- December 2020]
Project worth 9,650/- [In USD]
Project Status Completed
Outcome Seven Publications [2 in electronics-MDPI, 2 in CMC, 3 in IEEE Access]
Project IV: Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)
Collaboration Project approved in collaboration with Najran University
Status Co-PI
Project Title Performance Evaluation of Radio-Over-Fiber (RoF) Based Hybrid TDM/WDM Passive Optical Networks
Project Duration 1 years [2020-2021]
Grant Number NU/ESCI/19/001
Project Status Completed
Project worth 0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees)
Project V: Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)
Collaboration Project approved in collaboration with Najran University
Status Co-PI
Project Title Visible Light Communication based Intelligent Transportation and Roadside Networks
Project Duration 1 years [2020-2021]
Grant Number NU/ESCI/17/0114
Project worth 0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees)
Project Status Approved (In Process)
Project VI: Applied Research Grant:
"Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation +" Project, supported by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea.
Collaboration School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea
Contribution Co-PI
Project PI Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea
Project Duration 1 years [July 2020- June 2021]
Project worth 6,000/-[In USD]
Project Status Approved (In Process)
Project VII: Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)
Collaboration Project approved in collaboration with Najran University
Status Co-PI
Project Title Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: A key Enabler for 5G and Beyond
Project Duration 1 years [2020-2021]
Project worth 0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees)
Project Status Applied
Project VIII: Applied Research Grant: Pakistan Science Foundations (PSF)
Collaboration Project submitted in collaboration with GIK Institute, Topi, Swabi
Status Co-PI
Project Title Modeling and Performance analysis of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system using antenna diversity in Next Generation Network,”
Project Duration 3 years
Project worth 2.599 Million (In Pak Rupees)
Project Status Applied
International Linkages/Research Collaborations
National Linkages/Research Collaborations
Topic: Small Cell Networks: A Key Enabler for 5G and Beyond