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  • Name
    Engr. Dr. Fazal Muhammad

  • Personal

    I received my B.Sc. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan, in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi, Pakistan, in May 2017. Currently, I am working at the University of Engineering & Technology, Mardan, as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department. I am a member of the TeleCoN Research Lab at GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Topi, Pakistan. I am the Editorial Board Member of the Advances in Wireless Communications and Network”, a Peer-reviewed Journal of Science Publishing Group. I also serve as a Secretary, Institutions of Engineers Pakistan, (IEP), Peshawar, since 2017. I am a member of IEEE since 2016. I serve as a reviewer of numerous peer reviewed journals including IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Access, Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, WILEY, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. I have published 86 publications in refereed journals with a [Cumulative IF 214.523] including IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [IF=5.97], IEEE Access [IF=4.098], IET Communications Letters [IF= 3.457], Sensors, MDPI [IF= 3.03], IET Communications [IF= 1.443], Wireless Networks, Springer [IF=1.981], International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, [IF=1.717], Physical Communication, Elsevier [IF=1.451], and 11 publications in conference proceedings including IEEE PIMRC’16 (Valencia, Spain), ITNAC’18 (Sydney, Australia), and ERSED’18 (Kingdom of Bahrain). One of my papers received the Best Paper Award from 2nd International Conference on Emerging Research for Sustainable Economic Development (ERSED’18), Kingdom of Bahrain.

    My research is focused on channel modeling, green communications, and interference modeling in Wireless Communications with a particular focus on densification (HetNets), resource management (interference management), spectrum extension (millimeter wave communications) using tools from Stochastic Geometry, ad hoc networks, and optical networks.

  • Experience

    Administrative Experience (5+ years)

    1. Director QEC UET Mardan [Dec, 2023 – to date].
    2. Semester Coordinator (Academics) Electrical Engineering Department, UET, Mardan [June. 24, 2024 – to date].
    3. Semester Coordinator (Academics) Electrical Engineering Department, UET, Mardan [Dec. 20, 2020 – Jan 2024].
    4. Focal Person Pakistan Citizen Portal (PCP), UET Mardan, March 2021 to July 14, 2021.
    5. Head of Electrical Engineering Department, City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 – Oct. 26, 2020].
    6. Academic Coordinator Electrical Engineering Department, City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 1, 2012–Dec. 31, 2012].
    7. Acting Head of Electrical Engineering Department, City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 1, 2011–Jan. 31, 2012].
    8. Director, Center of Excellence of Electrical Engineering, at City University, Peshawar, [2018– Oct. 26, 2020].

    Teaching Experience (15+ years)

    1. Assistant Professor, UET, Mardan, [Oct. 27, 2020—To Date].
    2. Associate Professor, City University Peshawar, [Aug 1, 2020 —Oct. 26, 2020].
    3. Assistant Professor, City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, [Apr.  2010 to 31 July 2020].
    4. Lecturer, UET, Peshawar, [Nov.  2005 to Mar.  2010].
    5. Lecturer, Peshawar College of Engineering, Peshawar. [Oct. 2004 to Nov. 2005].

  • Qualification

    2013–2017     Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi.

     PhD Title: Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Load Balancing


    2004–2007     Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa.

    Specialization:  Electronics and Communications


    2000–2004     Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering [with Honors], University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.

                           Specialization: Communication

  • Honor and Awards

    Honor of successful conduction of Accreditation visits of PEC for the years 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019 Department of Electrical Engineering, City University Peshawar.

    2017    Outstanding Research Performance Award, received at City University,Peshawar.

    2016     Dean’s Honor Roll in PhD at GIK Institute.

    2013    Fully Funded PhD Sponsorship under Faculty Development Program, City University, Peshawar

    1999    5th Position in EATA Test, Conducted for Admission in Engineering University, Peshawar.

    1998   Merit scholarship for consecutive two year in Islamia College Peshawar

    1997    1st Position in SCC Examination at Govt; High School Batagram, District Charsadda, KPK

  • Memberships

    Memberships of Academic Bodies

    1. Board of Studies (BoS), University of Buner, Buner, [August 2021 – Present]
    2. Board of Faculties (BoF), UET, Mardan, [Oct. 27, 2020– Present]
    3. Departmental Discipline Committee, Electrical Engineering Department UET, Mardan, [Oct. 27, 2020– Present]
    4. Graduate Research Committee (GRC), Abasyn University, Peshawar, [Nov. 9, 2019 – Present]
    5. Board of Studies (BoS), Electrical Engineering Department UET, Mardan, [Sep. 15, 2018 – Present]
    6. Research and Development (R&D) Committee, City University, Peshawar, [Mar. 22, 2018 C]
    7. Board of Studies (BoS), City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 – Present]
    8. Board of Faculties (BoF), City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 – Oct. 26, 2020]
    9. Board of Advance Studies and Research (BASR), City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 Present]
    10. Board of Academic Council, City University, Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 Oct. 26, 2020]
    11. Appellate Committee, UET Mardan, [Feb.18, 2018 to Feb.17, 2019]
    12. Industrial Advisory Board (IAB), City University Peshawar, [Feb. 10, 2017 – Present]
    13. Environment Health and Safety (EHS) Committee, City University Peshawar
    14. Graduate Research Committee (GRC), Iqra National University, Peshawar
    15. Telecommunications and Computer Networking (TeleCoN) Research Center, GIK Institute, Swabi, [May 2, 2017 Present]


    Professional Memberships

    1. Certified Bloom Taxonomy Professional by American Professional Certification Services [Since Feb. 8, 2019, Certificate No. PP-10029]
    2. PEC (Life Time Member) as a Professional Engineer, (Elect/20447)
    3. IEEE Member (M’2018)
    4. Secretary, Institutions of Engineers (IEP), Pakistan, Peshawar
    5. Member, 3rd Party Validation, Directorate of Science and Technology (DoST), Peshawar

  • Graduate, Undergraduate, Honor Students Supervised


    PhD Supervision

    In Progress

    PhD Supervision

    1. Muhammad Uzair Khan, PhD Scholar at UET, Mardan, [Since Fall−2022]

    Research Title: Predictive Modeling for Hepatitis C Diagnosis: A Machine Learning Approach

    1. Saadia Tabassum, PhD Scholar at UET, Mardan, [Since Fall−2022]

    Research Title: Heart disease detection using different Machine learning techniques

    1. Muhammad Lais, PhD Scholar at UET, Mardan, [Since Fall−2022]

    Research Title: Applying machine learning algorithms for the accurate and early prediction of diabetes.

    1. Shahid, PhD Scholar at UET, Mardan, [Since Spring−2023]

    Research Title: Designing a secure communication framework for Digital Twin Systems



    PhD Co-supervision

    1. Sajid Haroon, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi,

    Research Title: Interference Management in Net Generation Cellular Networks [June 11, 2020]

    1. Arif Ullah, PhD Scholar at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi,

    Research Title: Modeling and Analysis of HCNs using Stochastic Geometry [June 18, 2021]

    1. Akhtar Badshah, PhD Scholar at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi

    Research Title: Authenticated key exchange schemes for securing smart systems [April 6, 2023]


    Ph.D. Thesis [Evaluated as External Examiner]

    1. Mitigation of Impairment of Non-Linearity in Lang-haul High-Capacity Optical Fiber Transmission Systems at Iqra National University, Peshawar, [May 2, 2019]



    MS Supervision

    1. Samar Khan, “Coverage Analysis with Decoupled Access using smart deployment in Heterogeneous Networks,” at CUSIT, Peshawar, [Sep2020]
    2. Tahmeed Ullah, “Hybrid Energy Management Using Fuzzy Logic Controller,” at CUSIT, Peshawar, [2021]
    3. Jamal Hussain , “Performance Assessment of Random Forest based model for Network Intrusion Detection System”, at UET Mardan, [Fall2020]
    4. Muhammad Ismail , “Resource Management in UAV Assisted Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication ”, at UET Mardan, [14th April 2023]
    5. Fawad Ahmad Khan Faraz , “Analysis of Uniform Plane Wave Scattering from a PEC Rectangular Plate in Fractional Dimensional Space,” at UET Mardan, [11th 2023]
    6. Abdul Majid ,“ ML-Based Model for Chronic Kidney Disease Detection using ECG signal,” at UET Mardan, [11th 2023]
    7. Syed Tahir Shah , “Natural Gas Smart Pressure Profiling in Transmission Gas Pipelines Network and its Impact Analysis Based on Advance Measurement Techniques,” at UET Mardan, [12th 2023]
    8. Muhammad Faizan, “Improving Power Quality Using STATCOM with Energy Storage System,” at UET Mardan, [12th 2023]
    9. Hamza Ali, “Supervised and Unsupervised Single channel speech enhancement,” at UET Mardan, [Spring−2024]
    10. Shabbir Ahmad , “Security and Privacy Support in RFID-based Smart System Environment,” at UET Mardan, [Spring2024]


    MS Co-supervision

    1. Muhammad Saeed Akhtar, “Analysis of Decoupled Association in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Swabi, [Graduated, May 2018]


    MS Thesis [Evaluated as External Examiner]

    1. A New 2D SAC-OCDMA code to improve performance of large cardinality system based on EMD and MD code,” [Abasyn University, Peshawar, Jan, 2020]. Ith
    2. A New 2D SAC-OCDMA code to improve performance of large cardinality system based on EMD and MD code,” [Abasyn University, Peshawar, Jan, 2020].
    3. Near Field Focusing Characteristics of Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array for Biomedical Applications,” [FAST NUCES, Peshawar, 2019]
    4. Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Antennas for future Multi-mode Smart Phones Applications,” [UET Mardan, Nov. 2018]
    5. Vertical Handover in Heterogeneous Wireless Mobile Networks for fourth Generation 4G [UET Mardan, Nov. 2018]

  • Brief Statement of Research Interest

    My research is focused on channel modeling, green communications, and interference modeling in Wireless Communications with a particular focus on densification (HetNets), resource management (interference management), spectrum extension (millimeter wave communications) using tools from Stochastic Geometry, ad hoc networks, and optical networks

    1. AI and Machine Learning
    2. Modeling and Analysis of HCNs
    3. Interference Management in HCNs
    4. Green Communication in HCNs
    5. mmWave Technology in 5G
    6. Load Balancing in HCNs
    7. Cognitive Radio Communications
    8. Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks
    9. Optical Networks

  • Publications

    Journal Publications (Accepted): 93

    No. of Publications (With IF): 87;

    No. of Publications (Without IF): 6;

    [Authorship Position: A1: 7, A2: 10, A3: 26, A4: 21, A5: 9, A6: 10, A7: 3, A8: 5]

    Google Scholar citations: 1662

    Google Scholar Link

    h-index: 22

    i10-Index: 50

    1. Akhtar Badshah; Ghulam Abbas; Muhammad Waqas; Muhammad, Ziaul Haq Abbas; Muhammad Bilal; Houbing Song, "Blockchain-Assisted Lightweight Authenticated Key Agreement Security Framework for Smart Vehicles-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System," in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1 – 15, April 2024. doi: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3381068. [IF=5. 6]
    2. Badshah, G. Abbas, M. Waqas, S. Tu, ZH Abbas, F. Muhammad, S. Chen, "USAF-IoD: Ultralightweight and Secure Authenticated Key Agreement Framework for Internet of Drones Environment," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pp. 1 – 15, March 2024. doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3375758 [IF=6.8]
    3. Ismail, F. Muhammad,  et al., "Line-of-Sight-Based Coordinated Channel Resource Allocation Management in UAV-Assisted Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 25245-25253, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3356009. [IF=3.9]
    4. Faizan and F. Muhammad, “Improving Power Quality Using D-STATCOM with Capacitor as Energy Storage System”, PakJET, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 33–41, Feb. 2024, [Category Y]
    5. Fawad Y, Ullah S, Irfan M, Ullah R, Rahman S, Muhammad F, , et al. (2023) Dual-polarized 8-port sub 6 GHz 5G MIMO diamond-ring slot antenna for smart phone and portable wireless applications. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0288793. 30, 2023 22, [IF=3.7]
    6. M E. Munir , S. H. Kiani, H. S. Savci , D. A. Sehrai, Muhammad, A. Ali , H. Mostafa , N. O. Parchin, “mmWave Polarization Diversity Wideband MIMO Antenna System With Symmetrical Geometry for Future Compact Devices,” Micromachines 13, no. 8: 1248. MDPI, August 22, 2023, [IF=3. 4]
    7. N. F. Mursal, M. Ismail, F. Muhammad, SU Rahman, M. Irfan and K. K. Singh, “Performance analysis of distance-based resource allocation in UAV-Assisted vehicular ad hoc networks ” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 18(19), Oct. 2023, [Category Y]
    8. Fawad, S. Ullah, M. Irfan, R. Ullah, S. U. Rahman, F. Muhammad, A. H. M. Almawgani3, S. N. F. Mursal, “Dual Polarized 8-port Sub 6 GHz 5G MIMO Antenna for Smart Phone and Portable Wireless Applications,” PLOS One, July 4, 2023, [IF=3.752]
    9. M. Ghonaim, S. Khan, F. Althobiani, S. Alghaffari, S. Khan, Muhammad Irfan, M. S. Haroon, F. Muhammad, “Interference Mitigation in Intentional Jammers Aided Non-Uniform Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, PLOS One, June. 28, 2023, [IF=3. 752]
    10. L. Shah, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, T. Baker ” An Innovative Clustering Hierarchical Protocol for Data Collection from Remote Wireless Sensor Networks based Internet of Things Applications,” Sensors 2022, 22(15), 5531, June 19, 2023, [IF=3.847]
    11. Badshah, M. Waqas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas,  Z. H. Abbas, S. Ashraf Chaudhry, and Sheng Chen, Fellow, IEEE “AAKE-BIVT: Anonymous Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Blockchain-enabled Internet of Vehicles in Smart Transportation,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Nov. 2, 2022, [In Press] [Available Online]: https://  [IF=9.551]
    12. Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, Jae-Mo Kang “Hybrid millimeter wave heterogeneous networks with spatially correlated user equipment,” Digital Communications and Networks, Oct. 25, 2022, [In Press] [Available Online]: [IF=6.797]
    13. Kamal, J. Khan, M. Yousaf, F. Ali, A. Armghan, F. Muhammad, Nasim Ullah, and S. Alotaibi “Free Space Optics Transmission Performance Enhancement for Sustaining 5G High Capacity Data Services,” Micromachines 13, no. 8: 1248. MDPI, July 29, 2022, [Available Online]: [IF=3.523]
    14. Badshah, M. Waqas, G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, S. Vimal, Muhammad Bilal, “LAKE-BSG: Lightweight authenticated key exchange scheme for blockchain-enabled smart grids,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 52, Part C, 2022, 102248,, ISSN 2213-1388, August. 1, 2022, [Available Online]:, [IF=5.33]
    15. Illahi, J. Iqbal, M. Irfan, M. I. Sulaiman, M. A. Khan, A. Rauf, I. Bari, F. Muhammad, G. Nowakowski, A. Glowacz, ”A Novel Design and Development of a Strip-Fed Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 5G NR Sub-6GHz Band Applications,” Sensors 2022, 22(15), 5531, July 25, 2022, [Available Online]: [IF=3.847]
    16. Irfan, W. U. R. Khan, S. Ullah, N. Mufti, M. F. Khan, R. Ullah, U. Ali, F. Muhammad, F. Althobiani, M. Alshareef, and V.R. Shamji,” Cactus-Shaped Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Sub 10 GHz Wireless Applications”,” Computer Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), July 6, 2022, [IF=4.397]
    17. Muhammad, B. Khan, R. Naseem, A. A. Asiri, H. A. Alshamrani, K. A Alshamrani, S. M Alqhtani, M. Irfan, K. M Mehdar, and H. Talal Halawani,” Liver Ailment Prediction Using Random Forest Model”,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), 2023, vol. 74, no.1, pp.1049-1067, 2023, [Available Online]:, Published on: Sep. 22, 2022, [IF=3.860]
    18. U. R. Khan, M. F. Khan, M. Irfan, S. Ullah, N. Mufti, U. Ali, R. Ullah, F. Muhammad, SU Rahman, F. Althobiani, M. Alshareef, and M. E. Gommosani,” Th-Shaped Tunable Multi-Band Antenna for Modern Wireless Applications”,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), 2023, vol. 74, no.2, pp. 2517-2530 [Available Online]:, Issue Published on: Oct. 31, 2022, [IF=3.860]
    19. A. Asiri, B. Khan, F. Muhammad, SU Rahman, H. A. Alshamrani, K. A Alshamrani, M. Irfan and F. F Alqhtani,” Machine Learning-Based Models for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Based Brain Tumor Classification”,” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (IASC), 2023, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 299-312, [Available Online]: ., Published on: Sep. 29, 2022, [IF=3.401]
    20. Mary, B. Khan, A. A. Asiri, F. Muhammad, Salman Khan, Samar Alqhtani, K. M Mehdar, H. T. Halwani, M. Irfan and K. A Alshamrani,” Heart Disease Risk Prediction Expending of Classification Algorithms”,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), vol. 73, no.3, pp.6595-6616, July 28, 2022, [Available Online]:, [IF=3.860]
    21. M, Irfan, K. Ullah, Muhammad, S. Khan, F. Althobiani, M. Usman, M. Alshareef, S. Alghaffari and SU Rahman,” Automatic Detection of Outliers in Multi-Channel EMG Signals Using MFCC and SVM”,” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (IASC), 2023, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 169-181, [Available Online]:, Published on: Sep. 29, 2022, [IF=3.401]
    22. A. Asiri, A. Badshah, F. Muhammad, H. A. Alshamrani, K. Ullah, K. A. Alshamrani, S. Alqhtani, M. Irfan, H. T. Halawani and K. M Mehdar,” Human Emotions Classification Using EEG via Audiovisual Stimuli & AI”,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), vol. 73, no.3, pp.5075-5089, July 28, 2022, [Available Online]: [IF=3.772]
    23. Irfan, F. Ali, F. Muhammad, SU Rahman, A.  Armghan, Y. Khan, F. Althobiani, R. Shafiq, M.  Alshareef and M. E. Gommosani,” Impairments Approximations in Assembled mmWave and Radio over Fiber Network” ,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), vol. 73, no.3, pp. 4885 – 4895, July 28, 2022 [Available Online]: [IF=3.772] 
    24. Badshah, M. Waqas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, “A Novel Framework for Smart Systems using Blockchain-enabled Internet of Things,” IT Professional, Volume: 24, Issue: 3, pp. 73-80, 30 June 2022, [Available Online]:   [IF=2.6]  
    25. Mary, B. Khan, A. A. Asiri, F. Muhammad, Salman Khan, Samar Alqhtani, K. M Mehdar, H. T. Halwani, M. Irfan and K. A Alshamrani,” Investigating of Classification Algorithms for Heart Disease Risk Prediction”,” Journal of Intelligent Medicine and Healthcare, vol. 1, no.1, pp.11-31, June 14, 2022, [Available Online]:
    26. Yu, F. Ali, S. Tu, H. Karamti, A. Armghan, F. Muhammad, F. Alenezi, K. Hameed, N. Ahmad, “Deducing of Optical and Electronic Domains Based Distortions in Radio over Fiber Network,” Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 753. MDPI, Jan. 9, 2022, [Available Online]: https:// doi: 10.3390/app12020753 [IF=2.679]
    27. Abid, F. Ali, A. Armghan, F. Alenezi, S. Khan, F. Muhammad, M. A. Khan, and M. S. Qamar, “Architecture Optimization for Filtered Multicarrier Waveforms in 5G,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, Jan. 6, 2022. [IF=1.671]
    28. U. Rahman, F.  Ali, F. Muhammad, M. Irfan, A. Glowacz, M. S. Akond, A.  Armghan, S. N. F. Mursal, A. Ali, F. S. Alkahtani, “Analyzing Distributed Vibrating Sensing Technologies in Optical Meshes”, Micromachines 2022, 13, 85. Jan. 5, 2022, [Available Online]: https://doi: 10.3390/mi13010085 [IF=2.891]
    29. Haseeb, A. Armghan, W. Khan, F. Alenezi, N. Alnaim, F. Ali, F. Muhammad, F. R. Albogamy, and N. Ullah, “Solar Power System Assessments Using ANN and Hybrid Boost Converter Based MPPT Algorithm,” Applied Sciences, 202111, 11332 MDPI, Nov. 25, 2021, [Available Online]: https:// doi: 10.3390/app112311332, [IF=2.679]
    30. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and G. Abbas, “Alleviation of nonlinear channel effects in long-haul and high-capacity optical transmission networks,” International Journal of Communication Systems. 2022; [Wiley], Nov. 9, 2021. [IF=2.29]
    31. H. Kiani, X-C Ren, A. Bashir, A. Rafiq, M. R. Anjum, M. M. Kamal, BU Din, F. Muhammad, “T shape mmwave Antenna Array at 28GHz for Future 5G Devices”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Aug. 25, 2021, [WILEY], [IF=1.174]
    32. S. Qamar, F. Ali, A. Armghan, M. F. Munir, F. Alenezi,  F. Muhammad, A. Ali, and N. Alnaim, “Improvement of Traveling Salesman Problem Solution using Hybrid Algorithm based on Best-Worst Ant System and Particle Swarm Optimization", in Appl. Sci., May. 23, 2021, [MDPI]. [Available Online]: [IF=2.42] 
    33. Ali, U. Habib, F. Muhammad, A. Ali, M. S. Qamar, U. Ali and M. A. Khan, “Beyond 4x100 Gbps optical backhaul network with DSP assistance based nonlinear impairments mitigation”, Radio Science, 0000;00:–6, Apr. 29, 2021, [Wiley], [IF=1.31]
    34. W. Qamar, Z. R. Afridi, A. W. Qamar, F. Muhammad, M. Irfan, N. Ullah, and F. Ali,, “Insight into industrial energy management practices in Pakistan,” Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment (SPEE), 2020: vol. 39 no. 1-4 2020, Apr. 8,  2021. [Available Online]: [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]
    35. Z. Saleem, M. Kamran, S. Amin, R. Ullah, H. S. Abbas, N. Ullah, F. Muhammad, and T. U. Rahman,” Chlorodifluoromethane (R22) Gas and its Mixtures with CO2/N2/Air as an Alternative to SF6”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, March. 5, 2021, [Available Online]:  [IF=0.820]
    36. Muhammad, F. Ali, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, M. Bilal, Md. J. Piran, and D. Y. Suh, “Palliation of Four-Wave Mixing in Optical Fibers Using Improved DSP Receiver,” Electronics, MDPI, Mar. 5, 2021 [Available Online]: [IF= 2.412]
    37. K. A. Khan, F. Ali, M. Irfan, F. Muhammad, F. Althobiani, A. Ali, S. Khan, S. Rahman, G. Perun, and A. Glowacz, “Mitigation of Phase Noise and Nonlinearities for High Capacity Radio-over-Fiber Links”, Electronics, MDPI, Feb. 1, 2021 [Available Online]: [IF= 2.412]
    38. Irfan, F. Ali, F. Muhammad, A. S. Alwadie, A. Glowacz, I. Goldasz, R. Mielnik, F. S. Alkahtani, H. U. Khan, “An Optimal Framework for WDM Systems using Analytical Characterization of Refractive Index Related Nonlinear Impairments”, Electronics, MDPI, Jan. 21, 2021 [Available Online]:  [IF= 2.412]
    39. Naseem, Z. Shaukat, M. Irfan, M. A. Shah, A. Ahmad, F. Muhammad, A. Glowacz, L. Dunai, J. A Antonino-Daviu, and A. Sulaiman, “Empirical Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for Software Requirements Risk Prediction”, Electronics, MDPI, Jan. 11, 2021, [Available Online]: [IF= 2.412]
    40. Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, A. Zeb, I. Ullah, F. Muhammad, M. Idrees, and S. Khattak, “Likelihood Ascent Search Aided Sphere Decoding Receiver for M-QAM based MIMO System,” IET Communications, vol. 14, no.22, pp. 4152 – 4158, Feb. 26, 2021. [Available Online]: DOI:  10.1049/iet-com.2019.1316 [IF=2.1]
    41. Dildar, M. Irfan, I. Ahmad, W. U. R. Khan, S. Ullah, N. Mufti, S. Ullah, F. Muhammad, A. Glowacz, “Design and Experimental Analysis of Multiband Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for 5G and Sub-6 GHz Wireless Communication”, Micromachines202112, 32. Dec. 26, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF= 2.523]
    42. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas and F. Y. Li, “Enabling Soft Frequency Reuse and Stienen’s Cell Partition in Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks: Cell Deployment and Coverage Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Dec. 25, 2020 [Available Online]: [IF=5.339]
    43. Rahman, X. Ren, A. Altaf, M. Irfan, M. Abdullah, F. Muhammad, M. R. Anjum, S. N. F. Mursal, F. S. Alkahtani, “Nature Inspired MIMO Antenna System for Future mmWave Technologies”, Micromachines, MDPI, Dec 2, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF= 2.523]
    44. Asar Ali, Farman Ali, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad, Adam Glowacz, Jose A, Antonino-Daviu, Wahyu Caesarendra, and Salman Qamar, “Mechanical Pressure Characterization of CNT Graphene Composite Material”, Micromachines, MDPI, Nov. 11, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF= 2.523]
    45. Rahman, F. Ali, A. Smagor, F. Muhammad, Usman Habib, A. Glowacz, S. Ahmad, M. Irfan, A.  Smalcerz, A.  Kula, and S. N. F. Mursal, “Mitigation of Non-linear Distortions for a 100 Gb/s Radio-over-Fiber based WDM Network”, Electronics, MDPI, Oct. 22, 2020, [Available Online]: [IF= 2.412]
    46. H. Kiani, A. Altaf, M. Abdullah, F. Muhammad, N. Shoaib, M. R. Anjum, R. Damaševicius and T. Blažauskas, “Eight Element Side Edged Framed MIMO Antenna Array for Future 5G Smart Phones”, Micromachines, MDPI, Oct. 21, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF= 2.523]
    47. Ali, S. Kahf, Z. H. Abbas G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “A Deep Learning Approach for Mobility-aware and Energy-efficient Resource Allocation in MEC,” IEEE Access, Sep. 27, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=3.745]
    48. Irfan, U. Habib, F. Muhammad, F. Ali, A.S. Alwadie, S. Ullah and A. Glowacz, “Optical-Interference Mitigation in Visible Light Communication for Intelligent Transport System applications”, Energies MDPI, Sep. 25, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=2.702]
    49. Ayub, M. Irfan, M. Awais, U. Ali, T. Ali, M. Hamdi, A. Alghamdi and F. Muhammad, “Big Data Analytics for Short- and Medium-Term Electricity Load Forecasting using AI Techniques Ensembler”, Energies MDPI, Oct. 5, 2020. [Available Online]:    [IF=2.702]
    50. Qasim, S. Haroon, M. Imran, F. Muhammad, S. Kim, “5G Cellular Networks: Coverage Analysis in the Presence of Inter-cell Interference and Intentional Jammers”, Electronics, MDPI, Sep. 20, 2020, [Available Online]:  [IF= 2.412]
    51. Irfan, F. Ali, F. Muhammad, U. Habib, A. S. Alwadie, and A. Glowacz, “DSP-Assisted Nonlinear Impairments Tolerant 100 Gbps Optical Backhaul Network for Long-Haul Transmission”, Entropy MDPI, Sep. 22, 2020. [Available Online]:     [IF=2.494]
    52. Alshorman, O. Alshorman, M. Irfan, A. Glowacz, F. Muhammad, and Wahyu Caesarendra “Fuzzy-Based Fault Tolerant Control for Omni-directional Mobile Robot”, Machine MDPI, Sep. 9, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=2.899]
    53. Ali, F. Muhammad, U. Habib, Y. Khan, M. Usman, “Modeling and Minimization of FWM Effects in DWDM based Long-Haul Optical Communication Systems”, Photonic Network Communications, Oct. 13, 2020, [Springer], [Available Online]: [IF=1.450]
    54. Mahmood, M. Amin, H. U. Khan, F. Muhammad, and T. Ejaz “Investigation of Multiple-stresses on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of 9000h Aged RTV-SiR Composites for High Voltage Insulation,” Journal of Elastomers and Plastics [SAGE Publisher], August 19, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=1.2]
    55. Irfan, N. U. Rehman, F. Khan, F. Muhammad, A. S. Alwadie, and A. Glowacz, “Hybrid Excited Partitioned Stator Switched Flux Machine with Novel Winding Configurations”, Entropy MDPI, August 22, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=2.494]
    56. Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, and S. Kim, “Uplink Performance Enhancement in User-Centric Small Cell Aided HCNets with Uplink-Downlink Decoupling,” IEEE Access, July 31, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=3.745]
    57. M. Shah, S. Maqsood, Z. M. Shah, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “Multilevel LVDC Distribution System with Voltage Unbalancing and Disturbance Rejection Control Topology,” IEEE Access, July 17, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=3.745]
    58. A. Sehrai, M. Abdullah, A. Altaf, S. H. Kyani, F. Muhammad, M. Tufail, M. Irfan, A. Glowacz, and Saif Ur Rehman, “A Novel High Gain Wideband MIMO Antenna for 5G Millimeter Wave Applications”, Electronics, MDPI, June 19, 2020, [Available Online]: [IF= 2.412]
    59. S. Haroon, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, A. Kamal, M. Waqas, and S. Kim, “Interference Management in Ultra-Dense 5G Networks with Excessive Drone Usage”, IEEE Access, May 22, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=3.745]  
    60. A. Sehrai, F. Muhammad, S. H. Kyani, M. Tufail, and S. Kim, “Gain-Enhanced Metamaterial Based Antenna for 5G Communication Standards”, Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), 64(3), 1587–1599. June 30, 2020, [Available Online]: [IF= 4.89]
    61. Ahmed, S. H. Kyani, F. Muhammad, D. A. Sehrai, M. Tufail, and S. Kim, “V-Shaped Monopole Antenna with Chichena Itzia Inspired Defected Ground Structure for UWB Applications,” Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC), July 23, 2020, [Available Online]: [IF= 4.89]
    62. Tanveer, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, Muhammad Waqas, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “S6AE: Securing 6LoWPAN using Authenticated Encryption Scheme,” Sensors, May 6, 2020, [Available Online]: [IF=3.275]
    63. Tahir, M. Usman, F. Muhammad, S.U. Rehman, I. Khan, M. Idrees, M. Irfan and Adam Glowacz “Evaluation of Quality and Readability of Online Health Information on High Blood Pressure using DISCERN and Flesch-Kincaid Tools,” Applied Sciences, MDPI, April 29, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=2.474]
    64. Zafar, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, M. Tufail, and S. Kim, “An Effective Fairness Scheme for Named Data Networking”, Electronics, MDPI, April 28, 2020,

    [Available Online]: 10.3390/electronics9050749 [IF=2.412]

    1. Khan, R. Naseem, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “An Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Prophecy”, IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 55012-55022, Mar. 14, 2020, [Available Online]:, [IF=3.745]
    2. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, and F. Muhammad, “SIR Analysis for Non-uniform HetNets with Joint Decoupled Association and Interference Management”, Computer Communications, [Elsevier], Vol. 155, pp. 48–57, March 10, 2020, [Available Online]:  [IF=2.8]
    3. S. Haroon, F. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, and G. Abbas, “Proactive Uplink Interference Management for Nonuniform Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 55501-55512, Mar. 8, 2020,

    [Available Online]: [IF=4.098]

    1. Maqsood, U. Javed, M. M. Riaz, M. Muzammil, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “Multiscale Image Matting based Multi-focus Image Fusion Technique”, Electronics 2020, 9, 472, Mar. 8, 2020, [Available Online]: doi:10.3390/electronics 9030472 [IF=2.412]
    2. Ali, Y. Khan, F. Muhammad, Usman Habib, Z. H. Abbas, and A. Ali, “Extenuation of Phase Shift Influenced Nonlinear Impairments in Fiber Optics Network”,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, [Wiley], [Available Online]: doi:10.1002/ett.3930 Feb 19, 2020. [IF=1.594]
    3. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, M. S. Haroon, and F. Muhammad, “Interference Management in HetNets in the Presence of Wide-Band Jammers,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1138–1141, Jan. 29. 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=4.659]
    4. Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, and Lei Jiao “Performance Analysis of User-centric deployed SBS Deployment with Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: A Thomas Cluster Process Approach,” Computer Networks, vol. 170, no. 107120, pp. 1–14, April. 7, 2020, [Elsevier], [Available Online]: [IF=3.11]
    5. Muhammad, F. Ali, U. Habib, M. Usman, I. Khan, and S. Kim “Time Domain Equalization and Digital Back-Propagation Method based Receiver for Fiber Optic Communication Systems”, International Journal of Optics, [Available Online]:, Vol. 2020, pp. 1-13, [Hindawi], Jan. 13, 2020. [IF=1.167]
    6. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, S. Haider, Thar Baker, Saadi Boudjit, and F. Muhammad, and G. Abbas, “PDMAC: A Priority-based MAC Protocol to Enhance Warning Messages Delivery in VANETs”, Sensors 2020, 20, 45. [Available Online]: https://doi: 10.3390/s20010045, Dec. 17, 2019, [IF=3.275]
    7. H. Abbas, A. Ullah, G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and F. Y. Li, “Outage Probability Analysis of User-Centric SBS Deployed HCNets with Rician/Rayleigh Fading,” IEEE Communications Letter, Vol. 24, No. 2, February 2020, pp. 297–307. [Available Online]:, Dec. 13, 2019. [IF=4.659]
    8. Muhammad, M. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, and S. Kim, “Uplink Interference Management for HetNets Stressed by Clustered Wide-Band Jammers,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 182679–182690, December 17 2019, [Available Online]: [IF=4.098]
    9. Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, G. Abbas, and Lei Jiao “Capacity Driven Small Cell Deployment in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with User- Centric SBS deployment: Outage Probability and Rate Coverage Analysis,” in press, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, [Wiley], Feb. 6, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=1.594]
    10. H. Abbas, M. S. Haroon, G. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and S. Kim, “Proactive Uplink Interference Mitigation in HetNets Stressed by Uniformly Distributed Wide-band Jammers”, Electronics 2019, 8, 1496. [Available Online]: https://doi:10.3390/electronics8121496, Dec. 4, 2019, [IF=2.412]
    11. Ali, S. Ahmed, F. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, U. Habib, and S. Kim “Adaptive   Equalization for Dispersion Mitigation in Multi-Channel Optical Communication Networks”, Electronics 2019, 8, 1364. [Available Online]: https://doi: 10.3390/electronics8111364, Nov. 13, 2019, [IF=2.412]
    12. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and G. Abbas “Analysis of Coverage-Oriented Small Base Station Deployment in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” in Physical Communication, vol. 38, February 2020, 100908, pp. 1–16. [Elsevier], [Available Online]:, Oct. 25, 2019, [IF=1.594]
    13. Haider, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, “LWE-CPPA: A Scheme for Secure Delivery of Warning Messages in VANETs,” in International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, [Inderscience], Jul. 06, 2020. [Available Online]: [IF=0.56]
    14. S. Akhtar, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and G. Abbas “Analysis of Decoupled Association in HetNets using SFR Scheme,” in AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 113, January 2020, 152961, pp. 1–12. [Elsevier], Oct. 22, 2019.  [Available Online]:, [IF=2.924]
    15. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and G. Abbas, “Coverage Analysis of Cell Edge Users in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks using Stienen’s Model and RFA scheme,” International Journal of Communication Systems. 2019; [Available Online]: [Wiley], Sep. 9, 2019. [IF=1.916]
    16. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas, and F. Muhammad, “Coverage Analysis of Ultra-dense Heterogeneous Cellular Networks with Interference Management,” Wireless Networks, [Springer], Feb. 2019; [Available Online]: [IF=2.659]
    17. Naushad, G. Abbas, Z. H. Abbas, L. Jiao, and F. Muhammad “Analysis of Link Stability in MANET through Dynamic Link Connectivity,” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, [WILEY], Nov. 2018; [Available Online]: [IF=0.986]
    18. H. Abbas, F. Muhammad, and L. Jiao, “Analysis of Load Balancing and Interference Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 14690-14705, July 13, 2017 [Available Online]: [IF=4.098]
    19. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, and F. Y. Li, “Cell Association with Load Balancing in Non-uniform Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: Coverage Probability and Rate Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no.6, pp. 5241–5255, Sep. 30, 2016. [Available Online]: [IF=5.339]
    20. M. M. Pervez, Z. H. Abbas, Muhammad, and L. Jiao, “Location Based Coverage and Capacity Analysis of a Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks,” IET Communications, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1067–1073 Dec. 2016. [Available Online]: [IF=1.443]
    21. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, L. Jiao, and G. Abbas, “Decoupled Downlink Uplink Coverage Analysis of Enriched Heterogeneous Cellular Network Model with Interference Management,” IEEE Access, vol. 4, pp. 6250–6260, Sep. 23 2016. [Available Online]: [IF=4.098]
    22. Iqbal, A. Khan, H. W. Khan, I. Khan, F. Muhammad, H. U. Khan, and N. Saeed, “Performance Enhancement of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Using Vertical Handover,” International Journal of Engineering Works, Vol. 6, Issue 02, PP. 44-49, February 2019, [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]
    23. F. Muhammad, H. U. Khan, and N. Saeed, “Design and simulation of High Gain, Low Loss X-band Pyramidal Horn Antenna for Broadband application,” City University Research Journal (CURJ), vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 138–146, 2012. [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]
    24. Saeed, F. Muhammad, F. Pathan and S. Khan, “Simulation and Design of S-band Blade Antenna for Airborne Applications,” City University Research Journal (CURJ), vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 155–159, Jul. 2012. [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]
    25. U. Khan, F. Muhammad, and A. Khattak, “Design and Implementation of Power Generation Utilizing Human as a Source,” City University Research Journal (CURJ), vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 160–165, Jul. 2012. [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]
    26. Idrees and F. Muhammad, “Application of Differential Transforms Method Stiff Systems,” City University Research Journal (CURJ), vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 166– 170, Jul. 2012. [HEC Recognized, Category: Y]


    Journal Publications (Submitted)

    1. Jamal Hussain Arman, Muhammad, Bilal Khan, Sheraz Khan, Ammar Armghan, Nasim Ullah, Farman Ali and Sattam Alotaibi, “Performance Assessment of Random Forest Based Model for Network Intrusion Detection Systems, ‘’ submitted in IEEE Access


              Conference Publications (Accepted) [19]

    1. Ismail, S. L. Shah, F. Muhammad, Z. Shafiq, J. H. Arman,Efficient Content Delivery in Urban Vehicular Networks: A Hybrid RSU-UAV Framework,” 1st International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology (ICRIRET), Konya, Turkey, 2023
    2. H. Arman, F. Muhammad, Bilal Khan, and I. Khan, “Network Intrusion Detection System using Random Forest and Random Committee Models,” in Proc. International Conference On Internet Of Thigs (ICIOT’2022), Lahore, Pakistan, Sep. 2022.
    3. P. Khan, F. Muhammad, F. Shah, Abdullah, A. Ahmad, N. U. Rehman, “Rotor Pole Study of Dual Stator Hybrid Excitation of Flux Switching Motor”, in Proc.  IEEE International Conference on Emerging Power Technologies (ICEPT-2021), GIKI, Pakistan, April, 2021.
    4. A Ullah, Z. H. Abbas, Muhammad, and G. Abbas “Analysis of Outage Probability and Rate Coverage in Heterogeneous Cellular Network using Poisson Cluster Process,” in Proc. IEEE Intl., Multi Topic Conference (INMIC’19), Pakistan, 29-30 Nov-2019.

    [Available Online]: 

    1. S. Haroon, Z. H. Abbas, G. Abbas and F. Muhammad, “Analysis of Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks using Soft Frequency Reuse and Load Balancing,” in Proc. IEEE 28th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC’2018), pp. 1–6, Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2018.
    2. Shah, A. Khattak, M. J. Khan, F. Muhammad, M. Javed, and N. Shah “Feasibility and Analysis for Deployment of DC Micro Grid in Small Scale Power System” in Proc. 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, management and Sciences (ICETEM’2018), Pakistan, Oct. 2018.
    3. Javed, A. Khattak, M. J. Khan, F. Muhammad, and B. Shah “Quality Enhancement and Robust Stabilization of Power in Electric Transmission System Using Static VAR Compensators” in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Emerging Research for Sustainable Economic Development (ERSED’2018), Kingdom of Bahrain, Mar. 2018.
    4. Muhammad, Z. H. Abbas, and L. Jiao, “Analysis of Interference Avoidance with Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” in Proc. IEEE 27th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’2018), pp. 1–6, Valencia, Spain, Sep. 2016.
    5. M. Pervez, Z. H. Abbas, and F. Muhammad, “A Distance-Based Performance Analysis of Heterogeneous Networks,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ICE Cube), pp. 54–58, Quetta, Pakistan, Apr. 2016.
    6. Muhammad and Z. H. Abbas, “An Energy-Efficient Operation Scheme for a Cellular Network with Micro-/Pico-cells,” in Proc. First International Young Engineers Convention (IYEC’2014), Lahore, Pakistan, Apr. 2014.
    7. A. Rehman, A. Khan, F. Muhammad, and M. Iqbal, “Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Image Sensor,” in Proc. World Engineering Conference (WEC’2013), Islamabad, Pakistan, Sep. 2013.
    8. Rahman, F. Muhammadet al., "Controlled Out-band Device to Device Communication in Cellular Networks Using Backup Channel in Television White Space,"  18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Peshawar, Pakistan, 2023, pp. 275-280, doi: 10.1109/ICET59753.2023.10374858.
    9. Ismail, S. L. Shah, F. Muhammad, and Z. Shafiq, "Enhancing Vehicular Network Performance through Integrated RSU and UAV Deployment,"  18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Peshawar, Pakistan, 2023, pp. 281-286, doi: 10.1109/ICET59753.2023.10375046.
    10. T. Shah, F. Muhammad, S. K Shah, M. Gul,” Natural gas flow optimization using pressure profiling & Isolation techniques.” 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2023) Peshawar, Pakistan, 14-15 December 2023. \
    11. A. K. Faraz, F. Muhammad, S. Khan, M. Ismail, Z. Khan, “Scattering of Plane Wave from Rectangular Plate in NID Space” 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research December 4-5, 2023 : Konya, Turkey.
    12. Majid, M. Ismail, F. Muhammad, J. H.  Arman, B. Khan, “Enhancing Chronic Kidney Disease Diagnosis using Machine Learning Classifiers: A Comparative Analysis” 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research November 4-5, 2023 : Konya, Turkey.
    13. Bilal, A. Farooq1, F. Muhammad, M. Ismail, “Design of a Four Phase Interleaved Boost Converter for Renewable Energy Sources” 4th International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies March 12 - 13, 2024 : Konya, Turkey.
    14. Hussain, F. Muhammad, M. ismail, “Influence of Wind Power Generation on Voltage Maintenance in weak Power Grids,” 4th International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research March 12 - 13, 2024 : Konya, Turkey
    15. Ismail, S. L. Shah, F. Muhammad, Z. Shafiq, A. Abdullah, J. H. Arman, “Efficient Content Delivery in Urban Vehicular Networks: A Hybrid RSU-UAV Framework”, 1st International Conference on Recent Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology, August 16-18, 2023 Konya, Turkey.

  • Research Grants and Contracts

    Project I:                     Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)

    Collaboration              Project Submitted in collaboration with Najran University

    Status                           Project Manager       

    Project Title                 Smart Cities

    Project Duration         2 years [April 2021-April 2023]

    Grant Number             NU/IF/INT/01/009

                Project worth              40,000 (In SR)

    Project Status              Approved


    Project II:                  Research Grant: Project for Cooperative R&D between Industry, Academy, and Research Institute funded Korea Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 20

    Collaboration              School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea,

    Contribution               Co-PI

    Project PI                     Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea

    Project Duration         1 years [July 2019- June 2020]

                Project worth              8,650/- [In USD]

    Project Status              Completed

    Outcome                      Six Publications [2 in electronics-MDPI, 3 in IEEE Access, 1 in IJO (Hindawi)]


      Project III:                 Approved Research Grant: Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea, (NRF-2019R1A2C1005920)

    Collaboration              School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea

    Contribution               Co-PI

    Project PI                     Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea

    Project Duration         1 years [January 2020- December 2020]

                Project worth              9,650/- [In USD]

    Project Status              Completed

    Outcome                      Seven Publications [2 in electronics-MDPI, 2 in CMC, 3 in IEEE Access]

     Project IV:                 Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)

    Collaboration              Project approved in collaboration with Najran University

    Status                           Co-PI  

    Project Title                 Performance Evaluation of Radio-Over-Fiber (RoF) Based Hybrid TDM/WDM Passive Optical Networks

    Project Duration         1 years [2020-2021]

    Grant Number             NU/ESCI/19/001

    Project Status              Completed

                Project worth              0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees)


      Project V:                  Research Grant:  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)

    Collaboration              Project approved in collaboration with Najran University

    Status                           Co-PI  

    Project Title                 Visible Light Communication based Intelligent Transportation and Roadside Networks

    Project Duration         1 years [2020-2021]

    Grant Number             NU/ESCI/17/0114

                Project worth              0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees) 

    Project Status              Approved (In Process)

      Project VI:                Applied Research Grant:

    "Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation +" Project, supported by the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea.

    Collaboration              School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Ulsan 44610, Korea

    Contribution               Co-PI

    Project PI                     Sunghwan Kim, Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, Korea

    Project Duration         1 years [July 2020- June 2021]

                Project worth              6,000/-[In USD]

    Project Status              Approved (In Process)


      Project VII:               Research Grant: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Higher Education Najran University (Deanship of Scientific Research)

    Collaboration              Project approved in collaboration with Najran University

    Status                           Co-PI  

    Project Title                 Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: A key Enabler for 5G and Beyond

    Project Duration         1 years [2020-2021]

                Project worth              0.5 Million (In Pak Rupees) 

    Project Status              Applied

    Project VIII:              Applied Research Grant:  Pakistan Science Foundations (PSF)

    Collaboration              Project submitted in collaboration with GIK Institute, Topi, Swabi

    Status                           Co-PI  

    Project Title                 Modeling and Performance analysis of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system using antenna diversity in Next Generation Network,”

    Project Duration         3 years

    Project worth              2.599 Million (In Pak Rupees) 

    Project Status Applied

  • Other Research or Creative Accomplishments

    International Linkages/Research Collaborations

    1. Frank Yong Li, Professor, Dept. of Information and Communications, University of Agder (UiA), Norway.
    2. Lei Jiao, Associate Professor, Dept. of Information and Communications, University of Agder (UiA), Norway.
    3. Sunghwan Kim, Professor, Ulsan University, South Korea.
    4. Muhammad Irfan, Assistant Professor, Najran university, Saudi Arabia


    National Linkages/Research Collaborations

    1. Ziaul Haq Abbas, Dean/Associate Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, GIK Institute, Swabi, Pakistan
    2. Ghulam Abbas, Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering, GIK Institute, Swabi, Pakistan
    3. Farman Ali, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Qurtaba University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan

  • Selected Professional Presentations
    1. Conducted one–day seminar on “Structural Comprehension of OBE: A Way Forward” held on Nov. 22, 2020 at Brains Institute, Peshawar.
    2. Invited Speaker in International Conference in Computer Science and Allied Technologies (ICCSAT’19) held on Nov. 27-28, 2019 at Lahore Garrison University (LGU), Lahore.

    Topic: Small Cell Networks: A Key Enabler for 5G and Beyond

    1. Conducted one–day workshop on “OBE Assessment and Evaluation” held on Jul. 3, 2019 at City University Peshawar.
    2. Conducted one–day seminar on “Capacity Building of Engineering Faculty on OBE/OBA system of Accreditation” held on Feb. 28, 2018 at University of
    3. Conducted one–day seminar on “Vocational Counseling Seminar” held on 28, 2016 at Charsadda Institute of Technology (CIT), Shabqadar
    4. Conducted one–day seminar on “Capacity Building and Healthy Habits of Successful Young adults” held on Feb. 28, 2015 at Charsadda Institute of Technology (CIT), Shabqadar.